The Oasis Group's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a workplace based group of services and programs designed to help employees and their household members cope with personal difficulties, find resources that are helpful, and to search out solutions to complicated living and/or work related problems.
Alcohol or Drug Abuse
Emotional & Physical Abuse
Employees or their household members sometimes need help understanding their problems and, more importantly, sorting out what can be done to find relief.
The Oasis Group provides resources to help improve both personal and organizational effectiveness. Our professional team is dedicated to providing the highest quality services available. In addition to our services, we refer our clients to outside resources when the resolution of the problem goes beyond the boundaries of the EAP.
Our direct client services are delivered in accordance with state and federal confidentiality regulations. This means that anything discussed in a counseling session with a client cannot be disclosed without a written release from the client. A counselor can explain the confidentiality laws to you, including exceptions.
The Oasis Group counselors are available to discuss your personal situation either in-person, at your worksite, at our office or by telephone. You may also call us at any time during the work day or after hours. You will always be able to reach us in the event of a crisis.
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